What is a deepfake?

This article is part of Fake news

A deepfake is an audiovisual version of fake news. A deepfake video uses existing video images and edits or manipulates them using artificial intelligence. This makes deepfakes a type of synthetic media. Deepfakes go further than regular fake news articles, because they require advanced technology.

How is a deepfake made?

Making a deepfake is not that simple. You need so-called deep learning software: software that can create fake videos or audio fragments through artificial intelligence. The software analyses existing video images and gradually creates a sort of model of the characteristics of those images.

If the images show a person, the software will learn how that person moves and talks. This allows you to make a fake video with it, in which you can make the person say anything you want.

This famous deepfake video of Obama was created by Buzzfeed to showcase how creating deepfakes works:

You Won’t Believe What Obama Says In This Video!?

Deepfakes and fake news

Deepfakes are still a fairly new phenomenon at the moment. So far there haven’t been any deepfake videos that convincingly managed to spread as fake news. The videos are often quickly debunked. But that doesn’t mean this couldn't happen in the future. The better the technology behind deepfakes becomes, the harder it will be to discern real journalism from deepfakes.

Are deepfakes always fake news?

Not all deepfakes are used for fake news. Unfortunately, the technology is also used to spread fake porn videos of (famous) women. But it is also used for good purposes. Thanks to deepfake technology, an actor can still appear in a film role after they have passed away, for example.

How to recognise a deepfake

The best way to spot a deepfake is to play the images at a slower speed. Unnatural ways of moving, eyes that don’t blink, mouth movements that don’t match what’s being said, … A slower tempo makes those easier to spot. 

Also check whether you can find the video anywhere else. If it’s real news, other, reliable news media are bound to be using the video as well. If that’s not the case, and you’ve never heard of the source before, then proceed with care.

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Published on 27 November 2023